Currently In Development

Mobile Food Business CRM

Built with the MERN stack, this web app will provide mobile food businesses with a polymorphic CRM that will allow them to spend more time on food prep and getting moore product out faster. It easily updates menu items, accepts payments electronically, places orders from a remote location, notifies clients when orders are ready, and even has a built in reward system for repeat customers.

Currently In Development

Child Care Sharing App

This MERN web app will be focused towards neighborhoods in hopes to bring communities together and provide a safe place to meet other parents who are juggling the work life balance with child care. Users must complete an onboarding profile questionaire that will be made available to another parent when being considered for enterance into a collective of no more than 4 other parents.

“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now, and instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”

― Alan Watts

Some of these projects are group collaborations

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